If annoying things will happen no matter what, why be annoyed?

On an easy day, there’ll still be half a dozen little annoyances. On an average day, probably twice that, and maybe a big irritant. On a tough day, there might be a thousand paper cuts or two or three big problems–or any combination thereof.

That’s a given. It’s just the way life is.

If I’m on my game and not making problems for myself, most of those things are outside my control. I couldn’t prevent them and I can’t make them go away. I need to go through them to get out of them.

If I didn’t cause them and I can’t eliminate them, then why get angry over them?

One reason is weariness. Courage wilts in the face of fatigue. When you’re tapped out, that little thing you lived with suddenly becomes enormous and unbearable. Those past hurts that you normally push to the side are suddenly too big to move.

Then the pile of sewage starts to roll downhill and soon it’s in runaway mode. You can’t stop it.

Maybe on those days when you start tired, it’s better to acknowledge that things will annoy me today. And acknowledge that my resilience isn’t where I’d like it to be. Then invite the day to do as it will with the knowledge that a couple bumpy things might happen. When they do, I’ve already accounted for them.

That makes it easier for me to choose not to be irritated and deal directly with whatever comes up.

Published by

Chris Hamilton

Chris Hamilton is a writer trying to make the next step, to go from pretty good to freaking outstanding. He's devoting himself to doing the work and immersing himself in writery pursuit. He also hasn't quite mastered this whole Powerball thing, and still has a pesky addiction to food, clothing, and shelter, so he has to work, too. Blech.

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