Full disclosure on Beachbody products, which I use and love

Full disclosure, I am a Team Beachbody coach. That means that if someone buys a Beachbody product, like P90X or Insanity through me, I make a little money. It’s not a lot of money and I only endorse the products because I use them on a daily basis and I believe in the products.

So here are some things you need to know about these products:

  1. They work. I’ve done P90X, Insanity, Combat, and T25 and I’m about to order P90X3. I’ve also done routines from Brazil Butt Lift (don’t laugh guys, it’s hard), Insanity Asylum, and Chalene Extreme. If I put more effort into controlling my diet, I’d be a freaking star.
  2. They aren’t all super hard, but the hard ones often have modifications. Each Beachbody workout has a warning at the beginning that says you should consult your physician. Do that! Some of them have additional warnings saying that the workout program is extreme and if you have back or knee problems, you should consider a different workout. Pay attention to that. There are a lot of Beachbody programs, and not all of them are extreme. If you have problems walking a mile, you shouldn’t start with Insanity.
  3. If you want to try a program first for free, go to Teambeachbody.com and find a Fit Club near you. Fit Clubs are usually once a week meetings where a DVD is popped in for a Beachbody workout and you all do the workout. If you go to a Fit Club and someone pressures you into buying something, say no and don’t go back. (Of course, if they ask if you have a coach, I’d dig it if you signed up with me. Drop me a line for more information.)
  4. About the Fit Clubs, don’t worry about other people seeing you. They’re working out, not looking at you. Especially if the work out’s P90X, Insanity, T25, Brazil Butt Lift, or Chalean Extreme. I was wayyyyyy sensitive about working out with other people. That lasted on workout, when I realized they were there to work out, not pass judgement.
  5. If you need to do the modifications, do them. There is no shame in doing pushups from your knees, even if you’re a guy. I started that way. If you start on your knees, you can build to full pushups with proper form and not injure yourself. It’s about getting fit, not getting hurt.
  6. With any workout, including a Fit Club with a Beachbody product, know your body and your limits. If anyone pushes you to do something you aren’t comfortable doing, walk away. (Note: There’s a difference between challenging you and pushing you.) When push comes to shove, you are the one working out, and you should do what works for you. It’s about getting fit, not getting hurt.
  7. Maybe Beachbody isn’t for you. Maybe working out at a gym with a bunch of people is for you. Maybe running is for you. The right workout program is the one that works. Fitness is a personal journey you either choose to take or not take. The goal is finding the right way there.

Now, all that having been said, if you’re interested, I’d love to help you. If you want to try the products, look for a Fit Club. I intend to post fitness-related stuff on my fitness page on Facebook.

Finally, this isn’t going to turn into the buy my stuff blog. That’s boring. And it doesn’t leave room for me to do things like opine on Duck Dynasty and the wonderful lunacy of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford.